Spring 2012 Research Travel Awards Available

For Spring 2012, UW-Milwaukee’s Center for Information Policy Research (CIPR) is pleased to make available travel funds for members of the UW-Milwaukee community engaging in research related to the mission of the Center. CIPR focuses on key information policy issues such as intellectual property, privacy, intellectual freedom, access to information, censorship, information law, and the complex array of government, corporate, and global information practices and policies (see http://www4.uwm.edu/cipr/about/).


A broad range of active members of the UW-Milwaukee community are eligible to apply, including faculty, teaching academic staff, and students. A reimbursement up to $500 will be possible for each award. Only one award per applicant is allowed each fiscal year.

Scope of Award: 

Awards will be given to partially defray University-approved travel expenses (transportation, lodging, per diems, and conference fees). To be eligible for support, travel and expenses must comply with University travel policies and be approved through proper campus procedures. Awards will be limited to support travel related to:

  • Research leading to results expected to be disseminated in scholarly publications, presentations, or other appropriate venues.
  • Formal participation, performance, or exhibition of research. Participation is defined as presenting the results of research at a professional meeting or other appropriate venue, not merely attending a conference. Documentation must be provided.


Award requests must include the following:

  • Name, position, department, and contact information of applicant
  • Research proposal or abstract, clearly indicating its applicability to CIPR
  • Dates and location of proposed travel, and estimates of costs
  • Explanation of purpose of travel (research, conference presentation, etc)

Requests can be submitted at any time prior to June 1, 2012. Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis until all funds are expended. All travel must be completed by June 1, 2012. Travel having already occurred since September 1, 2011 can also be considered for an award on an exception basis.

Application materials should be submitted to cipr@uwm.edu, with “CIPR Travel Award Application” in the subject line.

Award processing: 

By June 1 2012, the award recipient must have either:

  • submitted a Travel Expense Report to the CIPR as instructed; or
  • made arrangements with CIPR to have the grant funds transferred to the recipient’s home department.

If this requirement is not satisfied, the travel award cannot be claimed by the recipient.

Please contact CIPR co-directors with any questions at cipr@uwm.edu.