CIPR is pleased to welcome Dr. Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, from the GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences in Cologne, as a visiting scholar during July 2016.
Dr. Kinder-Kurlanda has been a postdoc researcher and head of the Secure Data Center at GESIS since 2012. Since 2016 she leads the newly formed team ‘Data Linking & Data Security’. Katharina received her Magistra Artium in cultural anthropology, computer science and history from Johann Wolfgang Goethe – University Frankfurt am Main in 2004 with a thesis on “Playing and programming computer games: Spiel als kulturelle Praxis”. From 2005 she had a PhD studentship in the EPSRC-funded interdisciplinary research and development project NEMO (Networked Embedded Models of Physical Work Activity) at Lancaster University in the UK, where she completed her PhD in 2009 with a thesis on ubiquitous computing. She then worked as a Postdoc Research Associate in the Department of Management Science at Lancaster University Management School, researching the Internet of Things within organizational contexts. Katharina currently teaches a course on Social Science Methodology in Web Science Research at the Institute for Web Science and Technologies at Koblenz University where she is an adjunct lecturer.
While visiting CIPR, Dr. Kinder-Kurlanda will be collaborating with CIPR Director Dr. Michael Zimmer on their edited book, “Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Cases and Challenges”, and related research projects focused on the ethics of big data research.